Bremer Aufbaubank (BAB) offers a loan (max. 50.000 euros) in a simplified procedure for natural persons who want to set up, take over or already operate and continue a micro-enterprise as a commercial enterprise or as a freelancer.
Start easy!
As a department of Bremer Aufbaubank (BAB), Starthaus offers start-ups in Bremerhaven and Bremen a comprehensive range of financial support and financing for start-up projects in addition to advice, information and networking events.
The Employment Promotion Center (afz) offers business start-up advice for all sectors. In addition, there is specific counselling for women, migrants, the unemployed and people at risk of unemployment. The counselling includes the development of suitable start-up models, consideration of the compatibility of self-employment and family and support in the preparation of the business plan. In addition, statements for the job centre and events specifically for female founders are offered.
Business start-up advice for women is closely linked to the afz women's advice centre ZiB.
The employment agency and the job centre will also provide advice if you want to start your own business after becoming unemployed. If you are receiving basic income support as a jobseeker or unemployment benefit and are thinking about setting up your own business, you can apply for free coaching or counselling. The afz or the Starthaus Bremen / Bremerhaven can help you in this case.
The Chamber of Commerce for Bremen and Bremerhaven provides general information on setting up a business, arranges contacts in international business transactions and offers seminars, specialist events and networking events. It advises on customs and foreign trade issues, helps with legal questions and issues foreign trade documents such as certificates of origin and carnets.
The chambers' business juniors are available to provide advice and support from their own start-up experience.
The Social Impact Lab Bremen sees itself as a contact point for exchange and networking on the topic of "sustainable start-ups" and "sustainable business" in Bremen and Bremerhaven. In cooperation with network partners from the start-up scene in the state of Bremen, they offer targeted start-up advice to those who have business models with a positive social impact. Workshops and individual or group coaching sessions are used as formats.
The unique "Foundation, Innovation, Leadership" (GIF) degree programme is aimed at budding entrepreneurs and those who want to develop an entrepreneurial mindset. However, this Bachelor's degree programme is just one of several options at the university. The Career Service Centre acts as an interface between the university and the job market, offers a comprehensive platform for starting a career and supports you with information and individual advice.
It puts you in touch with the university initiative BRIDGE, which provides counselling, practical workshops and seminars in the early start-up phase.
BRIDGE also arranges the EXIST start-up grant - a funding programme of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection - and advises on other federal funding programmes.
The Social Impact Lab Bremen sees itself as a contact point for exchange and networking on the topic of "sustainable start-ups" and "sustainable business" in Bremen and Bremerhaven. In cooperation with network partners from the start-up scene in the state of Bremen, they offer targeted start-up advice to those who have business models with a positive social impact. Workshops and individual or group coaching sessions are used as formats.
Hilfswerft, which specialises in social entrepreneurship, is dedicated to creating educational opportunities for students, trainees and young academics. The "Social Entrepreneurship Camp" format offered by Hilfswerft enables participants to gain an intensive insight into the world of sustainable entrepreneurship in a short space of time.
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Bremer Aufbaubank (BAB) offers a loan (max. 50.000 euros) in a simplified procedure for natural persons who want to set up, take over or already operate and continue a micro-enterprise as a commercial enterprise or as a freelancer.
BAB has been the development bank for the location and the people of Bremen and Bremerhaven since 2001. For founders who are unable to realise their project with a BAB microloan, BAB has other financing programmes available.
Crowdfunding offers an opportunity to draw attention to your own business idea and attract individual financial supporters. Crowdfunding is also possible in combination with the BAB microloan and other funding instruments.
Business start-ups in Bremerhaven and Bremen who wish to set up or acquire a commercial or business-related freelance business can receive a subsidy for counselling services.
Starting your own business can also take place as part of a business succession. The network partners of the Starthaus-Initiative Bremerhaven offer initial advice on funding opportunities for this challenge.
The Bre-Up funding programme supports start-ups in Bremerhaven and Bremen during their first five years after being founded, from product development to market maturity. Start-ups can receive up to 150,000 euros in funding.
With a total of 5.600 m² of space in three buildings at the New Harbour, timeport impresses with its inner-city location in the so called "Havenwelten" as well as its modern architecture and contemporary facilities.
timeport 1 is located in a historic building; timeport 2 and 3 buildings are located directly at the New Harbour and are connected by a passageway.
Tenants also benefit from flexible space concepts, modern technical infrastructure and event and conference rooms. The attractive maritime location makes it one of the most sought-after office properties in Bremerhaven.
The Commercial estate in the Rudloffstr. is a modern, functional building on two levels consisting of workshop units of different sizes as well as office and social rooms.
The favourable rents offer a good starting point for start-ups and young companies in the craft and trade sector. The building is located close to Bremerhaven's city centre and the Havenwelten in the Rudloffstr. development area, which is to be developed into an urban quarter in the coming years.
The BRIG is in a central, urban location approx. 0.5 km from the feeder road to the A 27 motorway exit - Bremerhaven Mitte. It is approx. 2.5 km to the city centre and the Havenwelten and 1.6 km to Bremerhaven Central Station.
The tenants at BRIG are technology-orientated, knowledge-based start-ups from universities, institutes, colleges and companies, young companies in the start-up or growth phase as well as established companies planning a start-up, an outsourcing project or wanting to carry out a temporary innovation project away from their day-to-day business.
The historic Art Nouveau building is located in the Wilhelminian-style "Goethequartier" district not far from Bremerhaven's city centre.
On the start-up floor, small business founders have the opportunity to prepare and realise their business idea at a reasonable rent.
Here, self-employed people are helped to start their own business. Important office facilities can be shared, experiences exchanged and synergies created.
The municipal housing association STÄWOG offers start-ups and other initiatives space in its properties to set up a temporary retail business such as a pop-up store at a favourable rent.
This is an excellent opportunity to test your own business idea and the market and gain experience.
The association Food and Beverage Industry Bremen (NaGeB) e.V. represents the interests Bremen’s and Bremerhaven’s food industry. The NaGeB promotes the exchange between companies, provides support for industry-specific challenges and acts as a network in the region. Its focus is on topics such as quality assurance, innovation, digitalization and joint projects in order to strengthen the overall competitiveness of Bremen’s and Bremerhaven’s food and beverage industry.
nageb.deStarthaus Bremerhaven offers a wide range of services to support people wanting to start their own business or having recently founded one and are currently in their development phase. These include top-class and individual consulting, enriching event formats such as workshops and seminars and various other ways of support accompanied by a wide range of networking activities.
starthaus-bremen.deDo you want to start your own business in Bremen or Bremerhaven or have you already successfully launched one? The Female Founders Coffee Club offers the opportunity for an open exchange with female founders and entrepreneurs over coffee and fresh croissants. The Female Founders Coffee Club Bremerhaven takes place every third Monday of the month.
starthaus-bremen.deThe Female Entrepreneurs Network supplements the existing offers for female founders, entrepreneurs and freelancers/artists. At meetings that take place regurlarly, each participant is given the opportunity to briefly introduce herself and her company or business idea.
feelstrong.deThe Social Impact Lab Bremen sees itself as a contact point for exchange and networking on the topic of sustainable start-ups and sustainable business in the federal state of Bremen.
bremen.socialimpactlab.euBPW is one of the largest networks for female entrepreneurs and working women worldwide. The network is committed to supporting women at all hierarchical levels and in all sectors in developing their professional potential.
she-works.deBIN is committed to maintaining and improving the quality of life in the north of the city and the interests of its members. In particular, it is represented in all business matters, but also in real estate matters, for example.
bin-nord.deThe SEND network has set itself the goal of further strengthening the ecosystem in Bremerhaven and Bremen for social enterprises and sustainable business and creating good conditions for social entrepreneurs.
send-ev.deThe Wirtschaftsjunioren Bremerhaven is an association of young entrepreneurs and managers who volunteer their time to further strengthen the economy in Bremerhaven. The association is part of the largest German network of entrepreneurs and executives, the Junior Chamber Germany and the international umbrella organization Junior Chamber International JCI.
wj-bremerhaven.deThe entrepreneurs' association Haven-Net e.V. is a network that promotes cross-industry exchange between entrepreneurs. It offers a platform for the exchange of knowledge, experiences and resources through regulary held meetings, events and cooperation opportunities in order to strengthen and support local entrepreneurship in Bremerhaven. Business founders and start-ups are very welcome.
haven-net.deDr. Barbara Schieferstein